Aspect AGM

An accessible AGM

Technical production | Digital | Rehearsals

The Context

As an organisation, our UK retail giant client prides itself on its digital-first and inclusive culture. To support these values, they wanted to make their AGM as democratic and accessible to as many people as possible. In the past they found that holding the annual event at a given time and in a set location was restrictive to its shareholders, who are located all over the country.

The Challenge

Our first challenge was to define a digital-first approach to planning and delivering an AGM, taking into consideration the importance of safety and risk-reduction across all meeting touchpoints. We devised a hybrid format that could accommodate and deliver a positive experience for shareholders at the online meeting while maintaining a sense of occasion and providing an opportunity for interaction for those guests who were able to attend in person.

The Solution

We held the AGM in the client’s offices by creating a bespoke studio space for the meeting and worked closely with the in-house technical and IT teams on the event logistics and production. On our advice, they had recently invested in new equipment for hybrid events, making them more cost-effective to run on a regular basis.

Instead of including the full board on the day of the meeting, we set up a more informal TV-style studio with five board members on comfortable sofas being interviewed by a broadcast journalist acting as “shareholder ambassador”. The ambassador’s role was crucial to keeping the visual experience moving, selecting questions to the board from both the live and online audiences, and conducting interviews with the Executive team.

The rest of the board were available throughout the broadcast via a live Teams link and could join in the meeting at a moment’s notice if required. Additional questions were also collected in advance to ensure that the best possible variety of key topics was covered on the day.

The Outcome

The client was delighted that all digital metrics improved for the fourth year running, with an increase in the number of votes cast, the number of questions asked, and the number of people watching. The on-demand content from the meeting received an impressive 4,000 views, proving further that a hybrid AGM with a digital element achieves better engagement overall than a stand-alone live meeting.




“Brilliant job today everyone. A really professional and great looking event which has been many months in the planning. Thanks for all your hard work and support which was appreciated.”




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